from the blog

? World Domination in One Year

Jappe Pollentier, Founding COO

9 May 2020

Exactly one year ago, we launched the very first version of Schedult. A simple website, testing the waters. We’re looking back at our growth, now one year later. With employees and clients on almost every continent* (*damn you, Antarctica) and exciting future plans – even in these trying times.

With people and clients all over the world, it took us one year to complete Risk!

“Let’s just try it”

We were just sitting outside, enjoying a bottle of wine, when the idea of Schedult was raised. Previous project names were: Insocial, yoursocials and others less successful names. Jens and me both have a background in marketing, so a lengthy conversation started. ‘Daily social media posts for $99’. It sounded attractive, but would people buy it? We decided to just try it, built a website in a few days and sent the offer to people close to our network. Less than 7 days later, we had our first paying customer. (Thanks Thierry, always a legend! ?)

“This is going too easy”

After just a few months and many more clients, the tool we’d been using (Something like Buffer and Hootsuite) violated some of Facebook’s guidelines. All of the posts we had created, scheduled and posted were gone. All of them. In just a weekend, with a few six-packs of Red Bulls and barely any sleep, we moved everything to a new platform. Less than a week before that incident, I still remember we were saying: “It’s almost as if this is going too easy.” Remember to knock on wood. ? We learned from this, reducing all possible risks and bottlenecks to almost zero. It’s definitely worth investing time into, even if it only gives you the headspace to grow.

“Motivated content creators needed”

Hiring! Getting your first hires right is so, so difficult. We tried sending out tests, doing extensive interviews, etc. but it’s always difficult to know if someone’s going to be a good fit. Before we hired Jordyn, our VP of operations, we thought this would be our biggest bottleneck. Right now, we have +50 people working with us, all over the world. It’s exciting to be a remote company, with people working 24/24. ? Our Slack channel has never been so active. There’s no secret sauce to this. You slowly develop your own culture, and just like in romantic relationships, you need time to figure out what you both need – and want. Last month, we also had Otis join us – our virtual office dog. ?

“To infinity… and beyond!”

These are trying times to be talking about future plans, but we’re in a fortunate position to be able to. Schedult is growing like crazy, with new clients joining every moment of the day. We keep on improving our existing services and remodeling our customer experience day-by-day. Thanks for joining us on this journey – hop on if you’d like. There’s always room (both for clients and people) ?

5 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Your Social Media Content Creation

5 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Your Social Media Content Creation

Social media has become a non-negotiable part of running a successful business. It’s where your customers discover you, connect with your brand, and decide if they want to engage further. But managing social media effectively takes time, creativity, and strategy—resources that many business owners are already stretched thin on.

Schedult takes care of your social media posts for a flat monthly price. Quality content, posted to all your social media channels.

© 2020 Schedult

? Incorporated in Singapore, built remotely.